Set Design

For this part of the production process I would like you to design the set for two contrasting scenes of the play.  You can either do this on the computer or you can draw it fee hand.  You need to draw a birds-eye view so I can see the layout of the stage, and a front view labeling details of the set.  Below is a list of things you need to consider, and an example of a set design.

You will need to consider:

  • The performance space- size shape etc
  • The resources available to you
  • The context of the play and the period in which it is set
  • Set changes
  • The stage layout- how is the audience seated?


Yn ystod y rhan yma o’r proses mae gofyn i chi greu DAU llwyfan sy’n cyferbynnu ei gilydd o wahanol rhannau o’r sioe. Cewch unnai ei wneud o ar gyfrifiadur neu ei ddylunio a’ch dwylo. Rhaid cynnwys llun ‘birds-eye view’ er mwyn i mi cael gweld gosodiad y llwyfan, ac golygfa blaen wedi’i labelu. Dyma rhestr o bethau rhaid ystyried, ac hefyd engraifft o ddyluniad llwyfan;

Pethau i ystyried;

  • Maint y’r llwyfan i gymharu â maint y perfformiad.
  • Yr adnoddau a’r llaw i chi.
  • Cyd-destun y sioe a’r amser gafodd ei osod.
  • Newidiadau y llwyfan yn ystod y’r sioe.
  • Gosodiad y gynilleidfa yn ystod y sioe.


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