Although your production of Antigone may not be performed to an audience I would like to you design a poster for the production of Antigone. Below is a list of things you will need to consider when designing your poster. I have also included some examples of posters that have been produced to advertise productions of Antigone to give you some ideas.
Things to consider:-
- Consider your target audience?
- Consider how to best reflect the genre and style and context of your production
- Consider the information that needs to be displayed on the poster?
- place
- Time
- Date
- Price of tickets
- Quote from the play?
Er bod ni cheith y’ cynhyrchiad Antigone ei berfformio, bydd gofyn i ddylunio poster ar gyfer y sioe. Isod mae rhestr o bethau rhaid ystyried pan rydych yn dylunio’r poster. Hefyd mae nifer o engreifftiau o bosteri sydd wedi cael ei ddefnyddio am gynhyrchiadau Antigone yn yr gorffenol, i roid syniadau i chi;
Pethau i ystyried;
- Pa gynilleidfa rydych yn ei dargedu?
- Syt rydych am gyfleu yr edrychiad a steil y sioe?
- Pa wybodaeth bydd yn cael ei ddangos ar y poster?
- Lle?
- Amser?
- Dyddiad?
- Pris y ticedi?
- Ydych eisiau rhoid dyfynniadau o’r sioe ar y poster?

You can either create your poster on Microsoft Word, or if you are slightly more skilled you could use a program like Adobe Photoshop. Once you have designed your poster you can either print it out or send a copy as an attachment to my email address.
Cewch creu eich poster ar ‘Microsoft word’, neu os ydych yn fwy medrus cewch ddefnyddio rhaglen fel ‘Adobe photoshop’. Unwaith rydych yn cyflawni’s poster, fe gewch ei brintio fo neu ei yrru i gyfeririad e-bost fi