Costume Design/ Gwisg

  1.  Right click and save the templates to your computer
  2. Print the templates out
  3. Design the costumes for one male and one female character from the play Antigone

       *If you are more skilled then you can use the templates and design the costumes on the computer using perhaps the 'Paint' program.

  1. Cliciwch y botwm dde a ‘cadw’ y templed i’ch cyfrifiadur.
  2. Printiwch y templedau.
  3. Dyluniwch un gwisg gwrywol ac un gwisg benywaidd i’r sioe.

* Os ydych yn fwy medrus, cewch dylunio’r gwisgoedd ar y templed mewn rhaglen fel ‘paent’.

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