performing arts production

As part of a small-scale theatre company  you will be required to take part in the production process of Antigone .  Your tasks are to create stage, costume, make-up, and poster designs for the show .

As this project runs along side your classical theatre unit you will need to consider how these may have looked when the play was performed in ancient Greece 442BC.

Watch the video bellow of the Tri-schools trailer for their production of Antigone in 2006 to give yourself some ideas.  One you have watched the trailer click on the tabs at the top of the page and follow the instructions, you do not have to complete the activities in the order they are listed but all activities must be completed.

Fel rhan o gwmpeini theatr graddfa-bychan, bydd gofyn i chi gymryd rhan mewn cynhyrchiad a prossesiad Antigone. Eich tasgau bydd creu llwyfan, gwisg, colur ac dylunio poster i’r sioe.

Tra bod y prosiect yma yn rhedeg yn gyfochrog â’r gwaith theatre classurol, mae’n rhaid ystyried edrychiad y sioe pan gafodd ei berffofmio yn Groeg hynafol 442BC.

Cymerwch olwg ar y fidio isod i weld cynhyrchiad ‘Tri-schools’ o Antigone yn 2006, i gael nifer o syniadau. Wedi gwylio’r fidio, cliciwch ar y ‘tabs’ ar dop y dudalen a dilynnwch yr cyfarwyddiadau. Does dim angen cyflawni y tasgau mew trefn, ond mae’n rhaid ei gyflawni nhw i gyd.

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